The standard fees are:

Single sessions of 55 minutes are £55 off peak (£60 peak times*), suitable for intial injury assessment, extended follow-up/treatment, Sports Massage to multiple areas.

Single sessions of 30 minutes are £30 off peak (£35 peak times*), suitable for short follow up/treatment, Sports Massage to single area.

Sport Specific Assessment & Program: ideal for Golf or Running, including bespoke training program and 60-90minute familiarisation/demo session:Soft_Tissue_therapy.jpg

Initial assessment, program & demo = £130

Subsequent programs & demo = £99.


Discounts are available for long term packages consisting of mulitple 55 minute sessions, paid for in advance. These are suitable for Injury Rehabilitation, Injury Prevention treatments and training, regular Sports Massage (or other treatment), Pilates, Personal Training (strength, fitness, mobility, health, sports, core strength & stability, etc):

So, the new, simplified pricing structure is:

  • 1x 55 minute = £55 off peak / £60 peak time*
  • 3x 55 minute = £150 (9% discount)
  • 5x 55 minute = £240 (13% discount)
  • 10x 55 minute = £465 (15% discount)
  • 20x 55 minute = £880 (20% discount)
* Peak times are before 8am or after 5pm.

 T&C's: offers and discounts cannot be used in conjunction/combination, only one offer or discount per transaction; a strict 24hr cancellation policy is in force, and notice must be given by telephone or text message; appointments are subject to availability, and should be made at least 7-10 days in advance to avoid dissapointment and the forfeit of sessions; multi packages may expire and may be forfeit the number of weeks after the purchase date which is double the number of sessions purchased, so for example 2 sessions may expire and may be forfeit 4 weeks after the purchase date, this will be at the sole discretion of CPM Sports.

(I very rarely enforce the cancellation or expiry policy, generally in cases of repeated late cancellations or exceptionally long periods of inactivity, although it remains my right and is at my sole discretion).