Offers & Discounts

Here you can find the current special offers and discounts that are available. Give someone (or youself!) a fantastic New Years treat with one of these great special offers.

Ideal for the active person in your life! Especially if that's you!

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Youth & Junior Sports Injuries

When helping children and young people with sports injuries, it's important to remember that children are not just little adults, and this is something that is often forgotten or overlooked. A child’s anatomy, physiology and psychology are different, and these differences are important in sports medicine and sports injuries, in the assessment, diganosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of sports injuries in children and young people.

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Sports Therapy, Sports Massage & Health Insurance

Healthcare cash plans are insurance policies that instead of covering for treatment of acute medical conditions, help pay for the cost of routine healthcare such as going to the dentist, opticians, physio or in some cases, sports therapy and sports massage. You will be required to provide a receipt to your plan provider in order to claim reimbursement, and I am happy ro provide this.

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